Glycemic Index Least Wanted List

Glycemic Index Least Wanted List

The Glycemic index ranges from 0 to just over 100 and foods fall all over it, some are low but it doesn’t mean you should only eat them, others are high and it doesn’t mean you should never eat them and then there are the ultra high that you really might...
The glycemic index of pasta

The glycemic index of pasta

The glycemic index of pasta made from wheat (most pasta) depends on the way it is cooked and what it is cooked with. Pasta cooked “al dente” (somewhat firm) has the lowest glycemic index. The longer you cook it, the softer it is, and the higher the...
Does soda make me age faster?

Does soda make me age faster?

The market is full of products designed to slow down the aging process, but some things you buy, like soda, may actually cause the aging in your cells to speed up. Hopefully this doesn’t burst your bubble, but soda is one of the primary sources of excess sugar in the...