

StayLo takes on Chick-fil-A, the most purchased chicken sandwich in the world every day of the week except one, and takes down the blood sugar spike by an amount that would shock your mother. StayLo can help cut the sugar & carbs in everyday home cooked meals but...
Shepherd’s Pie

Shepherd’s Pie

Nothing is more old school than a meat pie, Shepherd’s Pie in all its lamb glory is the oldest and some might say best. There are still a decent amount of carbs and sugars though in the potatoes, carrots, green beans, onions, Worcestershire sauce & more to...
The King: PB, Banana, & Bacon Sandwich

The King: PB, Banana, & Bacon Sandwich

There is one sandwich that is notorious for being horrible for you, that most people should only try once. The sandwich that killed a career and if you had it too often possibly yourself, the sandwich where rumors of its deliciousness was only equal to its calories;...
Gatorade Glacier Freeze

Gatorade Glacier Freeze

Gatorade is good at keeping high energy athletes from crashing but really isn’t made for everyday consumption with the 52g of sugar in every 32oz bottle. The answer is clear that StayLo gets the gold or at least silver with a 35% drop in peak impact. All of the...
McDonalds 20ct Chicken McNuggets

McDonalds 20ct Chicken McNuggets

McDonald’s Nuggets may look like they are almost entirely protein but they are more Carbs than anything and that plays right into StayLo’s strengths. We have been wanting to test this for a while and worked to make sure we had it right.  Like the...
Kellogg’s Chocolate Pop Tarts

Kellogg’s Chocolate Pop Tarts

When you are determined to turn a fudge brownie into something that resembles a “breakfast item” Kellogg’s Chocolate pop tarts is what you can achieve. There possibly isn’t a shelf item made better to test the blocking power of one single pill...
Starbucks Grande Franken Frappuccino

Starbucks Grande Franken Frappuccino

Starbucks has a massive number of different drinks to choose from and we chose to pick a test item off of the Starbucks secret menu from many years ago and test the Grande Franken Frappuccino (recipe below if you are interested). This is Green Tea mixed with white...